Rules and Safety

Last updated 07/02/2025

The association has specific rules connected with playing our style of LARP. Many of these rules are connected with players' physical or emotional safety. We have specific game mechanics which are connected with player safety and which we expect all association members to learn and use appropriately.

These game rules are considered an extension of our Code of Conduct, applying specifically to game-related behaviour.

1. Alcohol Consumption

Do not consume alcohol during or prior to a game session and do not attempt to play whilst intoxicated. After play has concluded, some events have specific campfire sessions where alcohol consumption is permitted, please exercise moderation.

2. Interpersonal Conflict

Our association games have a strong focus on combat and conflict.

Villainy, antagonism and in character bullying, bigotry or prejudice is permitted under restricted circumstances. All participants must opt-in and any antagonism must be clearly based on an in-character or in-universe trait, such as a written relationship or fictional attribute (e.g. spellcasting, being a robot).

Our rules apply to event organizers, game runners, players and crew. Crew are often required by game runners to fill antagonistic roles but are expected to hold the same standards and are entitled to the same protections.

Character death is a potential in-character event that must not lead to out-of-character recriminations.

More generally, conflict and events within the game should remain in the game, and avoid allowing them to extend into the real world.

3. Game content and warnings

Our games are based in contemporary adventure and science fiction genres. Darker themes are not commonplace, but ARE permitted with some conditions. Firstly, game runners have a responsibility to ensure content is thematically appropriate and not gratuitous. Secondly, games must contain a content warning in published materials and repeated verbally in the pre-game briefing.

Game designers may introduce effects that have the potential to be harmful to a small minority of players with pre-existing medical conditions. In such circumstances, a content warning must also be supplied.

For game text, the content warning should be IN BOLD and should be placed prominently. The preferred place would be immediately after Game Title, Authors/Runners and an opening description of the game.

CITY OF TOMORROW: A cyberpunk adventure

By J. Smith and S. Cobol

The tri-fold zaibutsu needs an enterprising group of edge-runners to infiltrate a night-club where the neo-yakuza are holding a corporate scientist captive.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of themes where a content warning must be provided:

  • Substance / Drug Use
  • Alcoholism
  • Gambling
  • Sexual Assault
  • Child Maltreatment
  • Child Death
  • Torture
  • Slavery

Here is a non-exhaustive list of medical triggers where a content warning must be provided

  • Strobe Lighting
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Smoke Effects

4. Romance

You need a participant's consent to roleplay a sexual or romantic relationship with their character. If romantic roles are part of the game design, game runners must ensure this consent is part of the casting process.

5. Theft

Theft of players personal property is not permitted.

If it has not been made clear that an in-game item is permissible to be stolen, the "stealing" player must either:

Identify the owner and negotiate the simulated theft with them OR consult the game runner

Any property left in an out-of-game area should be left for the owner or moved to a lost and found station if one has been designated.

Any game runner provided items must be returned at the end of the game and any borrowed or hired items (e.g. weapons, sensors) must be returned at the end of the event.

The association does run games where criminal actions, including thievery and looting, are simulated. For these game types it is preferred that game runners provide objects as “stealable” plot mac-guffins. In order that players are aware of things they are allowed to take they could be:

  • shown or described in the pre-game briefing
  • marked with a symbol, sticker, ribbon or lammie - as defined at the pre-game briefing.

6. Mechanic “CUT”

If someone asks you to stop roleplaying around a certain issue, then you should do so in order to maintain an environment in which all people are comfortable. We use the commonly used safe-word ‘Cut!’ to signify this. If you hear somebody say ‘Cut!’ then everybody nearby should stop playing immediately so you can resolve the issue. The person calling ‘Cut!’ is not required to explain themselves, respect their request and do as they ask.

7. Mechanic “BRAKE”

In a less serious situation where somebody would like somebody else to back down/away or change topic we use the safeword ‘Brake!’ as in ‘slow down’. You can continue play but should de-escalate the situation or change the topic. Again, respect this and do as they ask.


A few game types allow players to escalate tension. If a player feels safe in ramping up the intensity of a scene, they are able to signal this with the safety-phrase that includes the character name “<CHARACTER NAME>, I want to see if that is all you’ve got!” Other players may then choose to ramp up the scene, or not.

This mechanic is essentially the opposite of ‘Brake!’


There may also be simple practical reasons you need to drop out of character. To show you would like to drop out we use the ‘Look down’ mechanic, where you shade your eyes and look down. You will not be questioned why, and this will allow you to opt out of, leave or enter a scene with nobody commenting upon it. A single hand raised above the head can also be used.

These techniques can also be used to check-in with players, in an out-of-character manner, for the purposes of quickly negotiating how to evolve a scene.

10. Melee Mechanic “TOOTH AND CLAW”

A few game types allow very limited melee combat. A light touch, combined with an agreed verbal phrase, will cause an in-character injury. By default this phrase is “tooth and claw” however GMs may modify the call to suit the setting of the game. Specific examples

  • A chainsaw bayonet could “BUZZ”
  • A xenomorph monster could “HISS”
  • A laser-sword could “HUMM”

If used, the melee mechanic is to be described as part of the pre-game briefing.

With this exception all other melee combat is prohibited. Thrown weapons are not allowed. Striking, punching, kicking, pushing and grappling players is not permitted.

11. Touching

In general player touch is to be avoided without their consent.

If game-runners require a game mechanic, similar to tooth and claw, then it must be based around either zero or minimal touch with an additional verbal or visual signal to convey intent. The touch mechanic must then be demonstrated in the pre-game briefing.

Instead of performing a pat down search on players, the person doing the searching should instead verbalize how and where they are searching. The phys-rep will be provided if the player verbalizes correctly.

If you feel you need to move an “injured” or “unconscious” person or “place restraints” on a person, speak with that person and agree on a method of doing so that will be safe and dignified for everyone involved. You must not roughly handle other participants without their consent. Restraints should be simulated.

12. Mechanic “TIME FREEZE”

When a Time Freeze is called this represents an event happening instantaneously, so you should close your eyes and hum loudly until you hear the call to continue gameplay (Time In). Normally this is a local event not accompanied by a whistle.


All players must carry a whistle in case of emergency. They are also, by game runners, used to signal the start and stop of play to players and crew.

One blast on a whistle (usually accompanied by call of “Time In”) indicates that the game is starting.

Three long blasts on a whistle (usually accompanied by call of “Time Out”) indicates that the game has ended or paused.

Everyone should stop play and return to the starting area. If you're breaking for lunch etc. please remember where you were and what you were doing so you can return to it later. If appropriate, at final Time Out, congregate around the GM team for debrief.

Players who are able to act in a first aid capacity will make themselves known to other participants at the beginning of an event.

Continuous blasts on whistles (or The shouted safety-phrase “Player Down!” ) indicate that there is an emergency, typically an injury. Everyone should stop playing and close on the whistle blower to offer aid. Players who are able to act in a first aid capacity will make themselves known to other participants at the beginning of an event.

Injuries are rare, the association has these rules so that players know what to do in case of emergency. The most likely source of in-game injury is moving over uneven terrain, tripping and falling. Pay extra attention if you are “dropping dead” in response to “being shot.” The safety signal of removing your sensor headband can signal that you are out of the fight as an alternative to falling down.

14. Light Sources

Players are required to bring a flashlight or other directable light source for night games. This can be mounted on a prop weapon. Players are not permitted to use light sources as a combat tactic, to dazzle or temporarily blind. Visible laser sighting devices are not permitted.

15. Laser-Tag Play

The following standards are expected behaviour of players. Depending on the game style GMs may vary these rules. This particularly applies to encounters with more powerful NPCs, where certain NPCs may be given game advantages to present a greater challenge to player characters.

Event organizers will be entitled to inspect, test and exclude equipment from events that fail to meet equipment standards or which would create compatibility problems. In the event equipment is excluded, suitable loaner equipment would be supplied as an alternative.

  1. During time-in all players are expected to wear a Laser-Tag sensor compatible with the UKLTA standards and it must be switched on. All games run now also require that it is DOT compatible.
  2. Every sensor must be sensitive to shots from all reasonable angles and not obscured. This may be tested before play starts.
  3. It is a player's responsibility to ensure their sensor remains sensitive to shots throughout play.
  4. Should you realise your sensor has failed in some way, or have it pointed out to you, it is your responsibility to fix this. If necessary, leave the game to do so. Usually spare sensors are available from the game runner team if yours has failed completely.
  5. When conducting aimed fire, your sensor must be visible to the target. You should pay attention to this if firing from a 'sniper' position or from a small gap. Unaimed fire, or wild fire from cover, for example firing a pistol around a corner is acceptable.
  6. Any weapon you use must have a bright 'muzzle flash' that would be visible within its effective range at night.
  7. Any weapon you use must have a sound system audible from a fair distance.
  8. Any weapons with a rate of fire greater than 1 shot per second and a range greater than 100 metres should not have a sight fitted unless they have a fire limiting device (times lock-out, ammo counter etc.) also fitted. An ammunition counter should disable the weapon from firing when the magazine has emptied. The magazine size will be no more than 100 shot's and the disable time no less than 5 seconds or 0.75 seconds per 10 shots.

Game organisers may choose to amend rule 5 and forbid un-aimed fire.


All players have a right to challenge fellow players on breaking game rules, as it is considered a violation of our Code of Conduct.

Significant, un-safe or repeated infractions of the rules should be reported to a game runner or other event organiser so action can be taken. Failure to adhere to the game rules may have appropriate consequences, including association members being:

  • removed from an event
  • be barred from future events

and in extreme cases, removed from the association.

The game runner will have the final decision on a player's ongoing participation in a game.

In the event of repeated unacceptable behaviour the UKLTA committee will have the final decision on a player's ongoing participation in the Association.

Unsafe behaviour may be documented as a safety incident and reported to our insurers. Criminal behaviour will be reported to the police.