Code of Conduct
Last updated 07/02/2025
Look after the well-being of yourself and your fellow players. Players' needs are always the first priority, not the scene, characters narrative arc, or overall larp experience. The players of LARP are more important than the content of the LARP.Respect for Other People
These standards apply at game events (e.g. Dropzone) non-game events (e.g. Tagcon), online events (tag chat) as well as online channels the association moderates (facebook/discord)
- Respect everyone’s physical and emotional boundaries. Be polite to everyone associated with an event
- We strongly believe that diversity enriches our collaboration and our games. We do not accept any discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, age, body-type, nationality, political views, culture, religion, class, costuming, kit-quality or sexual identities. For the benefit of clarity, discrimination is defined as treating a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you would treat other people.
- Respect the pronouns and names of everyone
- No harassment or bullying of any kind will be tolerated. For the benefit of clarity, harassment is defined as unwanted behaviour, which the person that it is directed towards finds offensive or which makes them feel intimidated, humiliated or uncomfortable.
- Respect others’ work and ideas. However, have an open mind and listen to others
- Assume the best of intentions behind others’ actions and words. Respect that people have different ways of working and interpreting situations and experiences
- Assume the best intentions and respect decisions made by the majority, or those in leadership roles (game runners, UKLTA committee)
- Welcome constructive criticism and analyse your behaviour when being called out on harmful comments or acts, mistakes, miscommunications and misunderstandings
- Communicate early and openly about possible issues. Be honest on what you can and cannot achieve in a given time - be honest especially to yourself
- If unsure about something, ask
Respect for the Event
These standards apply at games and other in-person events
- Handle weapon props responsibly, in ways that never cause alarm to members of the public and packed away out of sight during transit.
- All participants have an equal right to enjoy themselves at an event. Be supportive or neutral and allow other players to participate in whatever parts of the event they wish.
- Complete a booking form, with relevant personal & safety information, and pay event fees in order to attend an in-person event. Review the risk assessment for all insured events
- Bring safety-related equipment including sensible footwear, clothing adaptable to changing weather, water bottle, flashlight and whistle in order to attend a game event.
Respect for the Game Environment
These standards apply at sites we use to play our games, partly determined by the site owner and subject to their changes
- Be courteous and polite to neighbours and any members of the public that may stray onto the event site.
- Do not move, remove or damage any of the site’s fixtures and fittings.
- Do not bring any blank firing guns or starter pistols.
- No smoke bombs or other pyrotechnics will be allowed on site unless authorised by the event organisers.
- Keep litter to a minimum and dispose of all litter (bins and bags will be provided).
- No campfires are allowed (even for cooking purposes) except at a designated fire pit or as per local site rules.
Respect the Right to Privacy and Dignity
These standards apply to attendees filming stills or video.
- Photography and other Audio-Visual recording is permitted, with conditions, at UKLTA events. All participants must be given the option to ‘opt out’ of having images or recordings taken of them.
- All photographers must introduce themselves to all participants at the start of the event and must be made aware of any participants that express the wish to opt-out.
- All photographers should provide a means for participants to review photos/recordings privately prior to further distribution. A private FB group or privately shared google drive are example means.
- Do not content label/tag other people in photos published online.
Event Rules
- Event sites or game organisers may have their own rules in addition to the ones already set out. For avoidance of doubt, where these are more stringent then they will take precedence over the general code. If there are any specific site or game rules these will be made available; both pre-game and in the general briefing before the game begins.
All players have a right to challenge fellow players on their conduct.Significant or repeated infractions of the code should be reported to a game runner or other event organiser so action can be taken. Failure to adhere to the code of conduct may have appropriate consequences, including association members being:
- removed from an event
- be barred from future events
and in extreme cases, removed from the association.
The game runner will have the final decision on a player's ongoing participation in a game.
In the event of repeated unacceptable behaviour the UKLTA committee will have the final decision on a player's ongoing participation in the Association.
Unsafe behaviour may be documented as a safety incident and reported to our insurers. Criminal behaviour will be reported to the police.
The UKLTA Code of Conduct is partially inspired by work done by other LARPing organisations and we would like to credit the following:- The High Frontier: Gods and Monsters LARP team
- The Odysseus LARP team
- The Rites of Spring LARP team
- The Empire/Profound Decisions team