Constitution of the UKLTA
Version 2022-10-27
A - Mission Statement
1. The UKLTA is a national, member-led body to organise and facilitate independent Live Action Roleplay events using Laser-Tag, run by members and for members.
B - Administrative Period
1. The Administrative Period of the UKLTA shall be from 1st September to 31st August. This shall also be the Accounting Period
C - Functions of the UKLTA
The functions of the UKLTA shall include:
1. Provisioning of National Events
2. Providing resources and assistance to facilitate the organisation of events by members of the UKLTA
3. Provisioning an appropriate Insurance Policy to cover both National Events and events organised by UKLTA members (subject to approval and agreement of the Committee)
4. Maintain a database of members which shall be available to members organising approved events, and issuing appropriate membership documentation
5. Provide a forum to discuss and agree best practice
6. Represent independent Laser-Tag LARP in the UK within the wider Laser-Tag and LARP communities
D - Membership of the UKLTA
1. Membership is at all times subject to adherence to rules laid out in this document and any Code of Conduct issued by the Committee
2. Annual membership shall run from the point paid to the end of the relevant Administrative Period
3. Membership and attendance at events is at the discretion of the Committee
E - Committee Officers of the UKLTA
1. The members of the committee shall be:
- a. Chair - Shall oversee and coordinate the work of the committee, and arrange meetings as appropriate
- b. Treasurer - Shall operate and oversee the Bank Account, and provide financial reports to the Committee as required, and the Membership on an annual basis
- c. Secretary - To maintain a list of members and their details, to arrange a suitable Insurance Policy for the organisation of Laser Tag LARP events, and to ensure any required documentation is available and up to date
- d. Event Coordinator - To organise National Events, to assist and support members in running events approved by the committee, and report on attendance numbers to the Membership on an annual basis
- e. Digital Officer - To support and maintain a website, domain name registration, and any other similar and related matters
- f. Publicity Officer - To publicise the hobby and events organised by or with the assistance of the UKLTA, via advertising, social media, or other means as appropriate
- g. Safety Officer - To create and publish procedures and best practice for ensuring the safety (both physical and mental) of attendees at any event, and to act as principal point of contact for any concern or complaint on these matters or under the Code of Conduct that extend beyond (or are escalated from) any specific Event (During and within an event, complaints and concerns should be raised with the Event Safety Officer (or equivalent role))
2. Elections to the Committee shall be held yearly, according to the processes in section G
3. The Committee shall elect form its members one person (other than the Chair) to the role of Vice Chair, who shall perform the functions of the Chair when the latter is unavailable.
4. The Committee may fill any vacancy arising by co-opting a member to a defined role for the remainder of the Administrative Period
5. Members of the Committee may (by mutual agreement) delegate some or all of their responsibilities, with the exceptions of:
- a. Functions of the Chair defined in other sections of this Constitution
- b. Functions of the Treasurer
- c. Functions of the Safety Officer regarding complaints
F - Decision Making
1. Decisions of the Committee shall be by simple majority of votes cast. The Chair shall have the casting vote only
2. Amendments to this Constitution shall require a simple majority of current members voting
3. Disputes shall be handled in the first instance by the Committee (by the process in F1 if required). If any member considers this insufficient, they may follow the procedures in section G for an Emergency Motion. An Emergency Motion may instruct the Committee to perform any action that they have the authority to perform, and shall require a simple majority of current members voting
G - Elections & Voting
1. The Chair shall be the Returning Officer for all elections and votes. They may appoint another member as Assistant Returning Officer to whom they may delegate this function, and may appoint a Vote Administrator to perform the actual administration of the vote
2. The Committee shall agree and publish rules for the conduct of elections and other votes of the membership. The version of any rules to be used shall be those agreed and published in advance of the triggering of the vote in question (the start of the Administrative Period for elections, or the receipt of a request for a vote for other matters). These rules shall cover: a. Election of members to the Committee b. Proposals to change the Constitution c. An Emergency Motion, under F3
3. The rules shall specify the means by which members may vote online, and how communications on the process shall be made. They shall not require that a member be a user of any specific social media platform in order to receive communications and cast their vote, though they may permit the use of such platforms as additional sources of communication
4. Proposals for changes to the Constitution or an Emergency Motion shall be made to the Chair, and shall require the support of 10 members. It shall include the text of the proposed amended sections of the constitution or action to be taken (if any) for an Emergency Motion)
5. The Chair shall initiate the process of the vote within one month of the triggering event (the start of the Administrative Period for elections, receipt of the request for a proposal to amend the Constitution or for an Emergency Motion)