Who are the UKLTA?

The UKLTA (UK Laser-Tag Alliance) runs a wide variety of LARP events in the UK across numerous different settings. Most of the games we run are sci-Fi, modern day or horror themed but we do stray into other genres from time to time.

Our well developed Laser-Tag equipment allows us to add a strong tactical ranged combat to our games alongside the roleplaying you'd expect in LARP. We've been organising games since the early 1990s and have a long organisational history.

Having roots in using the original Worlds of Wonder Laser-Tag system for team 'sport' games, as well as story based LARP we also run short tactical games such as 'Capture the village' or 'Zombies' where players team up to achieve specific tactical objectives.

The UKLTA is run by committee, all members of the UKLTA are eligible to stand for the committee and cast their vote on nominations in the annual elections.

There is an annual fee for membership which mostly covers the costs of the event liability insurance for the group.

The UKLTA can assist any of its members who wish to run their own games either as part of our anthology events or as a standalone one, contact us if this is something you are interested in pursuing.